In this issue: Counseling office undergoes renovations; save the date for Step-Up and Sleep-Out; Berges Foundation funds school-based counseling; and United Way kicks off annual fundraising campaign.
St. Charles Counseling Office Gets Major Update
The Burkemper Family Counseling Center in St. Charles recently underwent a complete renovation thanks to funding from the Community and Children’s Resource Board of St. Charles County and the Children’s Trust Fund. The building houses therapists, staff who work in runaway and homeless youth programs as well as the iFM Community Medicine health clinic. Improvements include painting, flooring, lighting, water heaters, HVAC, roof, push-button entries, sidewalk, steps and signage.

Save the Date: Step-Up and Sleep-Out
Did you know that 45 percent of youth are turned away from shelters in St. Louis due to lack of capacity?
That’s why Youth In Need’s Young Professionals Group is holding its fifth annual Step-Up and Sleep-Out event to raise money and awareness to support our programs that work directly with youth experiencing homelessness.
Registration for Step-Up and Sleep-Out opens on Oct. 1. Participants will receive information on how to create their own online fundraising pages, sleep-out on their own and continue to help throughout the year. The culmination event of Step-Up and Sleep-Out is Wednesday, Nov. 15 at 6 p.m. at Youth In Need’s offices at 1815 Boone’s Lick Road in St. Charles. Participants are invited to attend a viewing of Pretty Boy, an award-winning short film by former Youth In Need Street Outreach Manager Kevin Coleman-Cohen. Pretty Boy is based on the outreach work Kevin did while at Youth In Need. Kevin will lead a discussion following the film.
Berges Family Foundation Funds Mental Health Services
Thanks to the Berges Family Foundation for their generous support of our school-based counseling services. Totaling $100,000 over the last two years, their support has funded the addition of one new therapist to expand services and reduce waitlists in St. Louis County. Youth In Need currently provides school-based counseling services in nine St. Louis County School Districts. The Foundation’s partnership helps us provide mental health services that allow children, youth and families to thrive. Beyond their own generosity, the Berges Family Foundation encourages others to give to a cause that moves them to donate, volunteer or help in any way they can.
United Way Rallies for Annual Campaign
The United Way of Greater St. Louis launched its annual fundraising campaign this month. The campaign supports more than 160 organizations in the St. Louis region including Youth In Need. For 101 years, the United Way has been helping people to create a stronger, healthier and more equitable region for all. With a continued focus on creating a strong safety net of nonprofits that can meet the vast needs of our community, the United Way’s funding helps us provide critical and direct services to children and families in the St. Louis region. And the best part of the United Way’s funding is that is flexible, allowing us to apply funds where they are most needed each year. Youth In Need also is holding its own internal United Way fundraising campaign with a goal to raise $17,000. Learn more about the United Way at