Did you know that in the St. Louis region, there are about 1,500 youth without safe, permanent shelter every night? And 45 percent of those youth are turned away from shelters due to lack of capacity. On any given day, for every youth who is homeless, there are many more who are on the verge of homelessness, often due to poverty or abuse.
The good news is that safe, stable housing with supportive services can prevent or reduce these risks significantly. That’s why Youth In Need’s Young Professionals Group (YPG) will hold its sixth annual Step-Up and Sleep-Out event to raise money and awareness to support our programs that work directly with youth experiencing homelessness. All proceeds from this event will go toward Youth In Need’s Street Outreach Program.
Step-Up and Sleep-Out kicks off Oct. 20, and everything you need is right here: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/suso2024. See below for more information, or contact Ashlee Berry, Annual Fund Director, at aberry@youthinneed.org or 636-757-9346.
Interested in becoming a Step-Up and Sleep-Out sponsor? Learn more here.