Children’s Partnership Program

Nearly 8,000. That’s the number of children, teens and family members—often facing extraordinary and tragic circumstances—who will be helped by Youth In Need this year.

Working on the front lines of crisis intervention and prevention for more than 45 years, Youth In Need has witnessed many challenges facing children and families throughout the greater St. Louis area. However, more important than the obstacles have been the successes. Tens of thousands of homeless youth, abuse and neglect victims, and families in crisis have built new lives through our programs.

Simply put, when a child or family in crisis has access to shelter, education, counseling and life skills training, they have the power to do great things! Invest in Youth In Need’s children and families by enrolling as a Children’s Partner in 2024.

The Children’s Partnership Program is designed as an all-in-one opportunity for donors to support Youth In Need and receive sponsorship benefits and recognition at both of our premier annual events, Celebration of Youth and the Golfing for Youth Benefit Tournament.

To join this elite group of community and business partners:

For more information, email Ashlee Berry, Annual Fund Director, or call 636-757-9346.

Youth In Need thanks its 2024 Children’s Partners for their dedication and support of the children, teens and families Youth In Need serves!