What is your Youth In Need story?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and in this case, it’s true. These are just some of the people and stories that have made Youth In Need what it is today. As we celebrate our 50th Anniversary in 2024, we hope to bring you stories from some of the people who’ve not only impacted Youth In Need but have been impacted by Youth In Need. Here, you’ll read about staff who’ve grown up at Youth In Need; Board members who’ve found a connection to the things they value; volunteers and donors who share their time, talent and treasure; and clients who’ve learned and grown alongside us.
Keep coming back to see what we’ve added. And if you’d like to share your Youth In Need story, you can complete our short story form here.

Rick and Mary's Story
Rick and Mary Leach
Content warning: Video discusses suicide. Youth In Need honored Rick and Mary Leach at its 20th annual Celebration of Youth gala in 2007. Long-time Youth In Need supporters, Rick and Mary also have a very special connection to Youth In Need because of their son Shawn. This is their family’s story.

Juliet's Story
Juliet Borgschulte, Family Member of a Former Client
“My brother attended Youth In Need while he was struggling with his behavior during his teenage years. While I did not attend Youth In Need myself, I remember just how kind and supportive all the staff members were during my family’s time of need. Youth In Need is the inspiration behind my career path towards becoming a child therapist. I have nothing but the upmost respect for this organization and all that they provide those who are struggling.”

Pat's Story
Pat Holterman-Hommes, President and CEO
“As we celebrate Youth In Need’s 50th anniversary, I’ve been reflecting on what this organization has meant to me and to so many others whose lives have been touched. I first came to Youth In Need in the late 1980s for a graduate school internship while I was working on my master’s degree in Counseling, and then I was hired as a therapist in 1990. I had intended to work at YIN for a few years to gain experience and then go into private practice counseling. I quickly abandoned that plan, however, when I realized I had found my purpose, my passion and my people right here. I felt a strong connection to the mission and was excited and inspired to work alongside those who had so much energy and compassion. Youth who come to us often feel alone and unseen, and YIN staff have always had a gift for making them feel valued and visible through their nurturing care and respectful support.
It’s been an amazing blessing in my life to find Youth In Need at the very beginning of my career. Working here has shaped who I am as a person, including as a friend, a parent and a spouse. If anything, I’m even more passionate now than I was all those years ago, as I see our work expand to reach children and youth of all ages, and help heal generational trauma.
It’s been thrilling to be part of the impactful journey of this wonderful organization, and I’m beyond excited to see what the next 50 years brings!”

Amya's Story
Amya Lowery, Former Client and Early Learning Programs Infant/Toddler Support Teacher
For Amya Lowery’s family, Youth In Need’s Early Learning Programs are a family affair that spans 25 years and three generations.
In September 1999, Amya’s mom, Latroyia Rogers, learned about a new early learning center opening in Wentzville, Mo. And that’s how their family’s Youth In Need story begins.
Latroyia enrolled her then-6-month-old son, Deontae, in the Early Head Start Program. She recalls the structure of the classrooms and curriculum being beneficial. “Deontae was a little wild,” Latroyia said. “We found out later he had ADHD, but the program made me a better parent because I had more knowledge about how to help him.”
In November 1999, Latroyia applied to be a substitute teacher at the center at the urging of the staff there. “The teachers already felt like a family,” Latroyia said. “There was no judgement about me as a single mom with two kids who was working part-time. The teachers were so interested in my kids growing up well. They paid attention to their physical, emotional and mental health.”
Latroyia eventually became a full-time employee with Youth in Need, where she’s been employed in several roles that have allowed her to care for children and families ever since.
Not long after Latroyia enrolled Deontae, Latroyia enrolled her daughter, Desiree, in the program, where she attended the 2-year-old room. “I knew they were safe and cared for,” Latroyia said. “And it was good to be there in the same building with them while I was working.”
Latroyia became pregnant in 2002 with Amya, who later attended the center in the infant room. The early childhood learning environment Deontae, Desiree and Amya experienced every day not only enhanced their developmental skills, but it also provided learning experiences that promoted their growth and development so they would be successfully prepared for kindergarten.
As Deontae, Desiree and Amya grew, one by one, they came back to Youth In Need in some way. As volunteers, substitute teachers and full-time staff, they’ve had a chance to give back to the same community of educators that helped them grow into successful young adults.
“I often think about when they were young kids, and I started at Youth In Need,” Latroyia said. “It made me feel really good as a parent that they looked up to me. I always talked about my job, and it was cool to see them get old enough to work here.
“They are generous, soft, peaceful people,” Latroyia said about her grown children. “And it does my heart good to see them give back to other families.”
Desiree’s daughter, Brooklyn, attended the center from the time she was an infant until she was 5 years old. Amya was part of the prenatal program when she was pregnant, and after her son was born, he attended the center, where he continues to grow, learn and thrive.
Desiree has been employed with Youth In Need for nearly eight years, while Amya just joined the staff in October 2023 as an Infant/Toddler Support Teacher.
“I’ve been waiting for my time to work here,” Amya said. “It’s a whole family affair.
The best part about working at Youth In Need? “I like to help people,” Amya said. “I like the interaction with my families. I’m close with them. I know they are comfortable with me, and they trust me. And I like being in my classroom, hearing the funny things the kids are going to say.”
Thinking back on their family’s journey, Latroyia said, “It was all worth it.”

Cindee's Story
Cindee Miller, Former Client and Early Learning Programs Family Educator
“As a child, I was in Youth In Need’s Head Start program. I was in a kinship foster, living with my grandparents and experiencing a lot of hardships, especially financially. Being a part of the program was such a help for me and my family. Some of my earliest memories are of my time in Head Start, and I remember always feeling safe, seen and cared for there.
Years later, when I became a parent, I enrolled my family in the Early Head Start program. We were struggling in a lot of areas, and I really needed some help. This was one of the first resources that came to mind. While in the program, my family was able to receive a number of resources that helped in various ways, from emotional support to making sure we had food in the home, even connecting us with other programs in our area that made sure our children had proper clothing. I attribute a large part of my family’s successes to Youth In Need.
Now, I get to wake up every day and work for this amazing organization that has played such a huge part in my life. I was encouraged by my Family Educator to apply for an open position, and now I get to be the one to bring hope and encouragement to local families. Having been in so many parts of Youth In Need’s program, I have seen time and time again the consistency and care that every single person puts into their work here. I have seen firsthand many times over how important this organization can be to every family who partners with us. Being a part of Youth In Need is such a dream come true for me, and I am so honored to be playing a part in being that same safe space for children and families that I had when I needed it.”

Joy's Story
Joy Rice, Former Client and Social Service Specialist III, Children’s Division
“I remember being in the custody of the state and being transferred to the shelter first. It was so long ago, but I remember they had reward levels. When I finally made it to Bronze, I was able to leave and visit my family that had clearly abandoned me. I was all of 16 or 17 years old, and I knew everything! Just kidding; I knew nothing.
However, a spot opened at Cornerstone. I lived in that house for about three years. Looking back on it, it was an amazing experience. I always wonder what happened to the girls who were there with me. Did they have kids? What are their lives like? I smoked my very first cigarette in this home for girls, and I even got a job at an Italian restaurant as a busser. I never knew the burning sensation your feet felt after doing a solid four to six hours on them, but it was worth the people skills I gained and character-building for working in the real world.
Fast forward. I loved Youth In Need so much, and I was blessed to be with people who cared enough to show me a path. After my time in Cornerstone, I was hired as an Outreach Specialist. I loved canvassing the community looking for homeless youth. I did that until my journey ended there. I was super young and just didn’t have a lot of experience or guidance.
But almost a decade later, I am still working in the community. It’s my passion. I have a bachelor’s in business administration from the illustrious Harris Stowe State University and will receive my master’s in public administration from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in the summer of 2024. I am grateful for all my life experiences and value that it has given me the ability to simply care enough about someone else’s path and want to help them make a difference in their own life.
Thank you. I was definitely a youth in need!”

Lesa's Story
Lesa Ryan, Former Staff Member
“I worked at Youth In Need for almost 11 years, from 2006-2017. My first HR job was at Youth In Need, fresh off of a divorce with a new baby and right out of adult college. I was hired as an Associate, and I was promoted to HR Manager by the time I left. Over the 11 years that I was there, I learned a lot about HR, life, myself and the world. The HR team truly became my family. They meant the world to me and still do . . . more than they will ever know!
When I was finally able to afford my own house, the entire HR department took their own personal day to help me move into my house . . . even though they razzed me about some of the weird things they moved that day! When a department member’s son needed a rare blood type, which three of us miraculously had, we all made a trip to the Red Cross to donate to make sure that he was taken care of. That kind of friendship and love can rarely be found at a workplace. I have missed it ever since, and I doubt I will find it again. That time taught me how to be part of a team and truly be an HR person who looks for the strengths in everyone. It’s a lesson that I have been able to take with me to the places of business I have been with ever since. Those ladies will always have a place in my heart as true friends and mentors!
I also was blessed to feel like part of a bigger picture that truly went out and made a difference in the world, through the mission and all of the many amazing employees I was able to help support. Over the years, the employees from the other departments became my extended family. Although there were always ups and downs, YIN’s mission always held us all together. I say all of this because I want people to know how much I value the people, the time and the experience from my time at Youth In Need. It will always be my work “home.” Thank you for it all, and keep up the wonderful work!”

Christopher's Story
Christopher Williams, Former Client
“Youth In Need was a home for me. When I came, I was really troubled. I stayed in the program for a while, living in the shelter, TLP (Transitional Living Program) on Third Street and the new TLP house. I had so many positive influences. The most important thing every one of those people taught me was to be upstanding and honest and never sweat the small stuff. They treated me as if I were a part of their lives in my worst moments, and in my greatest moments, they celebrated and made me feel loved—something I wasn’t too fond of.
They celebrated and catered my very first birthday party. I’ll never forget that Beyoncé cake. They taught me to cook, be responsible and love. They helped me see myself as a person who is so much more than my trauma. At 26-years-old, I realize if it weren’t for all the people in social services, I wouldn’t have made it through life like I have. I wouldn’t have found my strength. I wouldn’t know how to give or receive love.
Thank you all for your support. Thank you for being patient and understanding. Thank you for being there for me in the roughest times and the great ones. You will always have a place in my heart. You inspired me to start a nonprofit called Stepping Stones To Better. The uplifting and correct guidance of our youth is more imperative today than ever. The pain for our youth has to be put to an end indefinitely. I ask for support as I step into this journey. I’m currently going to school for child development. Then, I’ll be on to study social work. Thank you for taking me in. I’ll never forget the impact you all have on my life. I love y’all.”

Zoey's Story
Zoey Daniels, Early Learning Programs Partnership Manager
“Happy 50th YINNERversary! I’ve been part of Youth In Need for 30 percent of its existence and nearly 50 percent of mine! I visited as a college student, to take a class on site. A few months later, the Center Manager encouraged me to apply. I started as a support teacher, then was promoted three more times. “I grew up at YIN” is my most repeated line. From teen to adult, job to career, and many goals realized. Thank you for the opportunities to serve with passion from deep inside. That’s how you get to 50 years of YINpacting kids’, families’ and staff lives! Shout out to my Youth In Need family and friends! Cheers to many more!”

Kristi's Story
Kristi Borglum, Youth In Need Board Member
“I came to a point in my life where I had more capacity to give back in a more meaningful way. After deeply researching multiple organizations in my area, specifically focused on children, substance abuse and mental health, I found Youth In Need. Directly and indirectly, the mission supported all of the things I wanted to give back to the most. I joined the Board of Directors in 2020. Looking back on the last three years, I can honestly say that I have learned and received even more from the organization than I am able to give back. The work we do is evident, widespread and progressive. We are leading the way for more and more youth to find their strengths and thrive. The people are so passionate (clients, staff, volunteers, Board members, executive Board, you name it). I am so proud to have a part in it. Now, bringing it full circle, my son is receiving support from an incredible Youth In Need therapist working within his school. It brings me a sincere sense of hope, comfort and trust that he is getting help from Youth In Need. Together, I know he will recognize his own potential and overcome challenges.”

Jerry's Story
Jerry Daniels, Board of Regents Member and Former Youth In Need Board Member
“Congratulations to everyone at Youth In Need for 50 magnificent years of service to our kids and this community. The story of your growth and your service to our families is unmatched. I am grateful to have been a witness to almost 30 years of that journey. Youth In Need has been my model for excellence in community service ever since I first joined the Board. Congratulations! Let’s go for another 50!”

Julie's Story
Julie Kappen, Volunteer and Donor
“I was introduced to Youth In Need in 2011 by my best friend, Alison. We started volunteering on the then-young professionals group, known as FLYIN (Future Leaders Youth In Need). I quickly grew passionate about this organization’s mission and those who were both employed by and involved in Youth In Need. And I have remained involved in some form or fashion since that time. My family (my siblings, their spouses, all of our kids and an aunt) now donates to the Transitional Living Program group home every Christmas. As our kids have grown, we wanted to get them involved in giving back. I will always have a space in my life for this organization. Congratulations on 50 years of bringing support to those in need in our community!”